Perham Sportsman Club Policy
Club Rules and Regulations
While members are not expected to memorize these range rules in their entirety, they should review and be familiar with those rules that pertain to the specific ranges they may use. Members are strongly encouraged to keep these rules convenient for referral purposes.
Non-members are welcome as guests of a member pursuant with the “PSC – Guest Policy”. Guests must remain with their host member or on the tournament venue at all times while on Club property. It is the responsibility of the host member to be certain their guest is familiar with and abides by the range rules and policies. The host member assumes full responsibility of their guest and absolves the Club of any and all liability.
- Hearing and eye protection is mandatory for all shooters and spectators.
- It is the member’s responsibility to provide their own paper targets and stapler to hang targets.
- All rounds must impact the approved backstops (no rounds impacting the range floor/deck).
- It is the member’s responsibility to be cognizant of the club schedule and availability.
- Stewardship is the member’s responsibility of caring for club resources entrusted to the membership.
- Members are encouraged to utilize the facilities of the Perham Sportsman Club (PSC or “the Club”) as often as they like. These rules are intended to make your activities safe, convenient and enjoyable for everyone concerned. Please follow basic rules of common sense, safety and courtesy.
- Members shall maintain their security access cards pursuant to PSC By-Laws and Policies.
- Aggressive, belligerent and/or condescending behavior towards Board of Governors, safety officers, match personnel, staff personnel, club members and/or patrons may be grounds for removal from club property and revocation of membership.
- The speed limit on all club roads and parking lots is Five (5) mph.
- Unauthorized vehicles are not to be driven upon any range, including firing points, except for maintenance or as necessary during events. The Chief Range Officer may approve exceptions for physically handicapped members.
- Any member handling any firearm of any type during or immediately after consumption of alcohol may be expelled.
- National Firearms Act (NFA) “Class III” firearms with full-automatic-fire capability and firearms capable of full-automatic fire (including slide-fire, bump-fire and their variants) may not be fired in full-automatic mode on any range and doing so may result in expulsion.
- The following types of ammunition is prohibited on all Club ranges.
- Tracer-Incendiary ammunition
- Armor-piercing ammunition
- Steel Jacketed ammunition
- Steel Core ammunition
- Exploding ammunition
- Any ammunition deemed unacceptable by the Board of Directors
- Uncontrolled Fire is strictly forbidden on any range. Uncontrolled Fire is defined as the rapid and uncontrolled expenditure of rounds without aiming the weapon.
- Only Club Officers, Chief Range Officer, Match Directors or authorized maintenance personnel may open locked buildings for other nonmembers.
- Approved camping only is permitted on club property.
- Stowage of personal vehicles and/or other personal items is prohibited on club property.
- Any items left unattended on club property for more than 72 hours will be deemed abandoned, and become Club property to be utilized and/or disposed as necessary. This does not include tools or equipment loaned, leased or rented to the club for a designated project or event during the duration of said project/event.
- No Club property may be removed without prior permission from the Board of Directors.
- Automated Gate System
- The automated gate system at the main gate is intended to provide the maximum level of security with a minimum of inconvenience to the club members.
- Club members are required to utilize their key card to enter.
- When the gate opens, members are to drive through and clear the obstruction area.
- Members are to be cognizant of other vehicles behind them and unless they are guests of the member are not to allow the trailing vehicle to drive through without following the access protocols.
- The system is programmed to only allow one way access within a given time period per each member.
- If the gate is locked in the open/closed position, do not attempt to close/open it by force.
- Members found forcing the gate open or closed thus damaging the system, may at the club’s request be charged for the cost of repairs.
- If you think the gate is malfunctioning, contact the club at [email protected].
- When leaving the Club property, members are to allow the gate to open by pulling up to the gate and letting the sensors activate the gate or to utilize their key card to exit. The gate will open. Do not allow vehicles on the outside to enter without following the access protocols.
- Members shall not give out their access card other than immediate family members for any reason. Any member that gives their access card to another individual has compromised the safety of the range and may have their membership suspended and possibly revoked.
- Smoking is allowed only where in compliance with Minnesota State Law. Smoking is not allowed in the Clubhouse.
Non-members are welcome as guests of a member pursuant with the “PSC – Guest Policy”. Guests must remain with their host member or on the tournament venue at all times while on Club property. It is the responsibility of the host member to be certain their guest is familiar with and abides by the range rules and policies. The host member assumes full responsibility of their guest and absolves the Club of any and all liability.
- Lost key cards must be reported immediately. Contact the Membership Coordinator regarding key card replacement at [email protected]. A fee may be incurred for the replacement of the items.
- Any person without a current club ID badge or unaccompanied by a host member shall be asked to leave the property immediately.
- Expelled members cannot be a guest of a member in good standing.
- ID badges and security fobs/cards are Club property and will be surrendered without question to Membership Coordinator when directed.
- Hours of operation
- Shooting on all ranges is from dawn to dusk, the only exception being scheduled matches on the Pistol and/or Rifle ranges. Check the Website calendar for current schedules of night events.
- Range safety is a must for PSC to remain a safe place to shoot. All members and guests are expected to follow the Club’s rules; all members are de facto Range Safety Officers by virtue of their membership status. In the absence of the Chief Range Officer or any Club Official, it is your responsibility, if you witness an unsafe act, to call a cease fire, correct and move on. Don’t pack up your gear and just ignore the situation. Act upon it! Speak to the person(s) involved – they may simply be unaware of the danger or rule violation. A gentle reminder is better than first aid or a trip to the emergency room.
- If unable to correct any safety issue, rule violation or problem diplomatically, immediately notify one of the Board of Governors, or the Chief Range Officer.
- Report any damage to Club property to a member of the Board of Governor’s or the Chief Range Officer immediately.
- Only firearms appropriate for usage on a given range may be fired on that range.
- No rifles are allowed to be used on the pistol range.
- When firearms are moved between vehicles and range they must be unloaded, preferably in an appropriate bag or case or with actions open, muzzles elevated.
- Firearms are never left unattended.
- Basic safety rules. The following basic safety rules apply on all ranges at all times.
- Always assume every gun is loaded until you can inspect that it is not.
- Always keep your firearm’s muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
- Be sure your firearm is mechanically safe to operate.
- Know how to use your gun safely.
- Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.
- Keep your gun unloaded with the action open until you are ready to shoot.
- Only load your firearm at the firing line. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
- Always know what your bullet will hit and where it will stop.
- Shoot only at designated and authorized targets.
- Fire only from a shooting bench or from directly behind the firing line.
- Cease Fire immediately if any person on the range moves forward of the muzzle of any firearm while shooting is in progress.
- When you are not currently shooting, stay behind the muzzles of all firearms in use.
- Do not handle any firearm when people are down-range or forward of firing points.
- Range Etiquette: The following etiquette will apply to all shooters.
- Open the action of all firearms immediately after removing them from their cases.
- Keep all firearms pointed down-range.
- Pick a firing point lined up with your target and a nearby backstop so you can shoot straight down the range (firing across the range in a diagonal manner could result in ricochets).
- Be considerate of others – set enough targets at one time to shoot for 20 minutes, and then check with other shooters to get a “Cease Fire” before going down range.
- Observe the rules for proper target positioning.
- Personally make sure that every shooter using the range understands that the firing line has been cleared before moving down range.
- Before calling the firing line “Hot” personally verify that each shooter knows that the line is going hot.
- Use a rate of fire that will not result in damage to the target frames – the suggested maximum rate of rifle fire from a bench or from a prone or sitting position (and only when using a military sling) is ten shots in 60 seconds.
- Keep your projectiles within the confines of the range. Do NOT shoot over the berms.
- Clean up your targets when you finish shooting, and put refuse into the burn barrel.
- Police your firing area before leaving – the Club does not have a sanitation staff and Members and their guests are expected to leave the ranges at least as clean as they found them.
- If the trash cans are full, take a few moments to help out and empty them into a dumpster.
- Acceptable Target Types and Positioning
- Plinking is not allowed on any range.
- Plinking is defined as: informal target shooting done at nonstandard targets such as tin cans, glass bottles, and balloons filled with water. Propane cylinders are the exception when used appropriately.
- Paper targets are acceptable on every range.
- Center paper targets on frames to prevent damage to the frame structure, and place them high enough so that the bullet will impact the backstop and not the ground. Keep target frames and supports near a backstop; this helps to prevent ricochets.
- The following types of targets are unacceptable (non-inclusive list):
- Cans (exception, propane cylinders), wood blocks, milk jugs, CD’s, plastic/cardboard boxes and/or other such materials are unauthorized targets. Anyone found shooting at an unauthorized target may be expelled from the club.
- Glass bottles, china plates, ceramic jugs, etc., which could produce flying fragments and small, long-term debris, are prohibited.
- Rocks, concrete, stones, railroad spikes and heavy metal items. The risk of ricochets from such would endanger not only fellow club members but also our neighbors, and consequently the Club’s reputation and existence.
- “Pepper Poppers”, heavy metal plates, metal silhouette and spinning metal targets are only authorized on the Practical Firearms and High Power Ranges pursuant to authorization by the Board of Governors.
- Drainage pipes, number markers, range equipment, structures, and Club property.
- Wildlife and vegetation.
- Placing targets on top of the backstop of any range, and/or shooting at objects located beyond a backstop, is prohibited.
- Plinking is not allowed on any range.
- Firearm Restrictions:
- Firearms with military or police projectiles larger than .50 caliber BMG are NOT to be fired on Club property.
- Prohibited Firearms
- Any .50 caliber BMG (Browning machine gun) type weapon.
- Any shotgun.
- Any rifle/carbine with a barrel length of less than sixteen (16) inches except for a person specifically licensed, authorized or permitted pursuant to a statute of this state or of the United States.
- Any rifle/shotgun with the butt stock sawed off to form a pistol grip.
- Any firearm that has been mechanically and/or physically altered that will render it unsafe to operate.
- Any firearm using ammunition prohibited by the “PSC Policy - High Performance Ammunition” policy.
- Range Descriptions and Regulations
- Member’s Pistol Range
- For use by Member’s and supervised guests of Members Only.
- Target Positions (turning frames at 25 yards and fixed frames at 50 yards).
- Unauthorized Firearms: Magnum caliber handguns and center fire pistols that fire any rifle type cartridge.
- All shooting must be done behind the firing benches. Shooters are not allowed forward of the firing line to shoot.
- No self-directed defensive, Practical and/or Combat Style shooting on this range.
- Personal vehicles are not to be driven up onto the firing line.
- Do not handle guns during a “Cease Fire” or while people are down range.
- This range will be unavailable for member use and general shooting during scheduled events.
- Member’s Pistol Range
- Rifle 100 Yard Range
- This 100 yard range is for rifles and firing at paper targets placed at 100 yards only.
- All rounds must impact 100 yard backstops directly downrange of the shooting position in use.
- This Range will close for scheduled events and capital improvements and will be unavailable for member use and general shooting during scheduled events. Check club Website for closures.
- Do not place foreign objects in holes to secure target stands in upright position.
- Intentional destruction of target frames or range markers/signs will result in expulsion from the club.
- Personal vehicles are not to be driven up onto the firing line.
- Do not handle guns during a “Cease Fire” or while people are down range.
- Shotguns are never to be used.
- Members and their guests must observe and obey all posted signs on the range.
- High-power Rifle (HP) 200 and 300 Yard Range
- For use by Members and supervised guests of Members Only.
- This multiple yard range is for rifles, either the 200 or 300 yards ranges.
- No targets are to be used at less than 200 yards on the 200 yard range or 300 yards on the 300 yard range from any firing line, the only exception being scheduled matches. Blocker flag must be raised when in use and lowered when shooting completed.
- Personal vehicles are not to be driven up onto the firing line.
- This range will be unavailable for member use and general shooting during scheduled events.
- Do not handle guns during a “Cease Fire” or while people are down range.
- Archery (AR) Range
- For use by Members and supervised guests of Members Only.
- Do not shoot arrows with broad heads at range provided target blocks.
- Arrows will be released only in the direction of downrange targets.
- All archers must keep fingers away from quick release until the arrow is aimed downrange at an appropriate target and the archer is ready to release.
- Multiple archers (two or more) may not release arrows at the same target at the same time.
- An arrow may not be nocked or bow pulled to full-draw while another archer is downrange.
- Never point a bow and arrow at another person, doing so may result in immediate suspension of membership privileges and possible expulsion from the club.
- Arrows should only be knocked on the shooting line and pointed in the direction of the targets.
- Never shoot an arrow until you are positive that no one is in front of you or behind the targets.
- Club House Policies
- All members are invited to use the PSC Club House.
- Club members are required to utilize their entry key card to enter the building.
- All club members who are first to arrive and last to depart are required to disarm on arrival and/or rearm the security system when they depart.
- The Clubhouse is available to all members who are planning to utilize the clubhouse for a private meeting and/or function. All club members and any group or club that wishes to utilize the clubhouse can do so through the PSC website where they will be directed to complete an application for use. The application will be forwarded to the appropriate party for approval.
- Alcohol may not be sold or otherwise exchanged for compensation in anyway in connection with the use of the Clubhouse.
- Rental fees and Damage Deposit fees may be required before approval of the application.
- A copy of the approved application and the PSC Clubhouse Rental Policy will be returned when the date is granted and approved.