Perham Sportsman's Club Organization
Training Instructions
General Range Rules
Safety Rules
Club House
Perham Sportsmen’s Club - ADRF Team Leader Classroom - Pocket Guide
- Evaluation form/names
- Review quiz
- Demonstrate field carries (LazerEd guns) – two handed, cradle, elbow, sling, trail, shoulder
- Muzzle control/use– single file, 3 abreast
- Determine dominant eye
- Site picture – notch site/use LazerEd
- Handing firearm to another person – team leader explain & demonstrate before students handle firearm – will need to complete step 8 for 1 action type before handing student a firearm
- Prove firearm is unloaded
- Safety on
- Action open
- Visual & physically determine no bullet/shell in chamber
- Say “empty”
- Hand firearm to student making sure they safely grip with 2 hands
- Release firearm when student says “I have it”
- Student visually & physically inspects firearm to determine unloaded
- Prove firearm is unloaded
- For each action type – Bolt, pump/slide, semi-auto, break, lever
- Students Identify action
- Determine gauge/caliber of demonstration firearm
- Students Locate safety
- Instructors demonstrates how to operate safety
- Instructor demonstrates how to operate action
- Prove unloaded
- Instructor explains/demonstrates how to load
- Student accepts firearm, locates & operates safety, operates action
- Students Identify action
- Using sample dummy rounds determine their gauge/caliber
- As a team group completes Hunting Trip Plan
- Students show their survival kit. Provide each student with survival bandana. Discuss its messages.
- Review map of site. Discuss basics of using compass and map.
- How to take a bearing.
- Safety bearing
- How to use a compass to travel in a straight line.
- Students develop their “Asking to Hunt” dialog. On ‘hunters trail’ will need permission to hunt pheasants on property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Jones. Prompt students to decide the time of year they will ask, how they will approach and what they need to tell the landowner, what they need to know if they get permission.
- Lunch – video (if projection equipment is available) to occupy students as they eat. Shoot, don’t, Tree Stand Safety, etc.
Beginning ADRF Session Pocket Guide
“Display a positive attitude - provide an opportunity for each student to succeed” - Check that all materials, equipment, props are available/in place. 00:00 – 00:05 Student Check-in
Pre-assign three students to a certified instructor (team leader)
00:05 – 00:19 Start the video The Last Shot (check in students who are late while video is playing). No formal activity is associated with the video; instructors should refer to it at appropriate times.
00:19 – 00:45 (26 minutes) Welcome students.
Pre-assign three students to a certified instructor (team leader)
- Determine that each student has "Field Day Voucher”.
- Inquire about ammunition or other prohibited items and secure if needed.
- Provide each with a nametag.
- Determine that the students have the proper clothing to complete field activities; long pants, proper foot wear, i.e., no sandals, protection from the sun, wind, ticks, etc.
- Fill-out Parental Release/Registration Form
- Request to see a copy of the student’s birth certificate to verify the correct full legal name and correct date of birth.
- Collect the course fee ($7.50).
- Request that the parent stay until their student has completed the quiz activity. If the parent is not staying for the session assure they know what time they must return to pick up their student.
00:05 – 00:19 Start the video The Last Shot (check in students who are late while video is playing). No formal activity is associated with the video; instructors should refer to it at appropriate times.
00:19 – 00:45 (26 minutes) Welcome students.
- Introductions by lead instructor: self, team leaders, host organization, e.g., conservation, gun club.
- Explain expectations and class rules: adult-like manners at all times.
- Explain the consequences of violating class rules: must attend traditional classroom course.
- Review the requirements for earning a certificate: pass quiz, demonstrate knowledge & skill for safe handling of firearms.
- Complete quiz: instructor read aloud to all students, when all have completed, have students check their own quiz.
- Before team leader takes charge of team demonstrate Handing firearm to another person
- Prove firearm is unloaded
- Safety on
- Action open
- Visual & physically determine no bullet/shell in chamber
- Say “empty”
- Hand firearm to partner making sure they safely grip with 2 hands
- Release firearm when student says “I have it”
- Partner visually & physically inspects firearm to determine unloaded
Checklist for field day
There is some prep work to do prior to Sat morning.
Setting up the stations;
Hang the deer stand, harness, haul line
Pheasant hunt, clay pigeons and thrower
Fence crossing, no trespassing
Shoot don’t shoot, setting a deer target and blind
Duck hunting, life jacket
Compass work
Range, tarps, guns
Setting up the classroom. We are using the Fort Thunder Shooting Range – Set up with Leroy.
Paperwork – Ryan Nelson.
Setting up the stations;
Hang the deer stand, harness, haul line
Pheasant hunt, clay pigeons and thrower
Fence crossing, no trespassing
Shoot don’t shoot, setting a deer target and blind
Duck hunting, life jacket
Compass work
Range, tarps, guns
Setting up the classroom. We are using the Fort Thunder Shooting Range – Set up with Leroy.
Paperwork – Ryan Nelson.
Perham Sportsmen’s Club Team Leader “Hunters Trail” Pocket Guide
Hunters trail – students carry their unloaded firearm always demonstrating safe firearms handling skills. Use weed whip string, etc. as “unloaded” indicator. Firearms cased when not on “hunters trail”. At an appropriate time question students about muzzle control of a cased firearm. Have masking tape to mark students’ gun case.
Before going into the field each team determine a safety bearing. Should be 90 degrees to “hit” Harvest avenue.
Before going into the field each team determine a safety bearing. Should be 90 degrees to “hit” Harvest avenue.
- Team asks permission to hunt. (Need a land owner, Mr. or Mrs. Jones, to role play; helper or parent).
- Students will ask permission to hunt pheasants (first hunt on the hunters trail).
- Students approach landowner and ask permission to hunt.
- Review what they did properly, what they could have done better, and the importance of asking permission.
- Transportation, storage, and removal of firearms/bow from a vehicle. (Have vehicle parked between clubhouse and field to the south. Have properly and improperly placed cased/uncased firearms/bow in the vehicle.) As students find the firearms/bow team leader facilitates a discussion to help the students learn what are safe, as well as, legal methods to transport and remove firearms from a vehicle.
- Pleasant hunt demonstrating proper zones of fire.
- Students demonstrate when to load/unload
- Pheasants (clay pigeons) will come from various directions. Students yell “bang” when they have a safe shot.
- Encourage students to communicate when hunting abreast in the field.
- Trail thru Field to turkey hunting location.
- Demonstrate safe crossing of fence with a partner.
- Unload – back to back
- 1 partner accepts unloaded firearm of partner (“I have it”)
- Partner crosses safely
- Hand firearms to partner
- Cross fence
- Accept firearm from partner
- Reload when safe & appropriate to do so (back to back)
- Unload – back to back
- Turkey hunting from a blind.
- Use turkey decoy to simulate a real turkey.
- Allow students to see decoy; question shoot, don’t shoot?
- Have pop-up blind set up in a realistic turkey hunting scenario. Discuss turkey hunting safety.
- Decoy safety – set decoy so an approaching hunter will see it from a right angle to you
- Full body decoys’ head pointing toward you
- Silhouette decoy so you see it from the side
- If you are hunting and another hunter approaches, what do you do? Call out, “I am a hunter”
- Trail to waterfowl hunt
- Crossing fence alone
- Unload
- Place firearm pointing away from where you will cross – cover/protect muzzle
- Cross safely away from muzzle
- Check for obstructions
- Reload when ready/safe to hunt
- Crossing fence alone
- Waterfowl hunt.
- Personal floatation device; PFD
- Demonstrate hunters getting into blind/boat.
- Safety placing/retrieving decoys.
- Safe zones of fire.
- 2 hunters in the boat
- 3 hunters in the boat
- Safety with dog present.
- When to load/unload.
- Tree stand
- Use harness be sure rated for students weight
- What to do with firearm? Haul line – where/how?
- Ascend into stand – be sure student can “step down” onto stand
- Attach/adjust safety strap (almost tight when sitting)
- Demonstrate firearms handling when ready to hunt
- Retrieving firearm
- Loading
- Descend from stand
- Unloading
- Using haul line
- Before descending leave safety strap attached & slowly lower self to feel what it is like to hang in safety harness
- Discuss suspension trauma
- How to relieve suspension trauma – exercise legs/carry suspension relief device
- Live fire – range master
- Standing
- Kneeling
- Prone
- Live fire – Sight in .22 1 student fires 3 rounds from bench rest from .22 that sight is out of adjustment, team determines adjustment needed to zero in.
- Range estimation
- How far (100yards – length of football field)
- Shoot/don’t shoot – Why?
- What is the background?
- Can you make the shot with a rifle/shotgun slug?
- Shoot standing? Better option?
- Deer drive.
- When to load/unload
- Safe zones of fire.
- Shoot/don’t shoot.
- Be aware of other hunters/non-hunters
- Be aware of where they are; are they on public (open to hunting) land, where are property lines.
- Camo verses hunter orange colors humans wear in the woods.
- Practice looking for colors related to humans.
- Always be aware that others may be afield even though you believe you should be then only one present.
- Safety of deer drives.
- How to complete a drive.
- Drivers still hunt; stop and go, should have the possibility of getting a shot.
- Team member finds a safe shot and takes it.
- Blood trailing
- Work as a team
- Stay to the side of the blood trail
- Mark spots of found blood
- What to do when deer is found
- Tagging
- Field dressing
- Dragging
- Survival situation - What should lost group do?
- S.T.O.P.
- Hunting plan – does a responsible person know where you are & when you should return?
- Survival kit
- Survival bandana
- 2 garbage bags
- Building a fire
- Conclusion – privately review evaluation form with student and parent.
- Discuss areas the student needs to practice
- Remind parent they must complete student certification process by taking Parental Release form - go online to pay fee and print student card.
Perham Sportsmen’s Club ADRF Team Leader Classroom Pocket Guide
- Evaluation form/names
- Review quiz
- Demonstrate field carries (LazerEd guns) – two handed, cradle, elbow, sling, trail, shoulder
- Muzzle control/use– single file, 3 abreast
- Determine dominant eye
- Site picture – notch site/use LazerEd
- Handing firearm to another person – team leader explain & demonstrate before students handle firearm – will need to complete step 8 for 1 action type before handing student a firearm
- Prove firearm is unloaded
- Safety on
- Action open
- Visual & physically determine no bullet/shell in chamber
- Say “empty”
- Hand firearm to student making sure they safely grip with 2 hands
- Release firearm when student says “I have it”
- Student visually & physically inspects firearm to determine unloaded
- Prove firearm is unloaded
- For each action type – Bolt, pump/slide, semi-auto, break, lever
- Students Identify action
- Determine gauge/caliber of demonstration firearm
- Students Locate safety
- Instructors demonstrates how to operate safety
- Instructor demonstrates how to operate action
- Prove unloaded
- Instructor explains/demonstrates how to load
- Student accepts firearm, locates & operates safety, operates action
- Students Identify action
- Using sample dummy rounds determine their gauge/caliber
- As a team group completes Hunting Trip Plan
- Students show their survival kit. Provide each student with survival bandana. Discuss its messages.
- Review map of site. Discuss basics of using compass and map.
- How to take a bearing.
- Safety bearing
- How to use a compass to travel in a straight line.
- Students develop their “Asking to Hunt” dialog. On ‘hunters trail’ will need permission to hunt pheasants on property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Jones. Prompt students to decide the time of year they will ask, how they will approach and what they need to tell the landowner, what they need to know if they get permission.
- Lunch – video (if projection equipment is available) to occupy students as they eat. Shoot, don’t, Tree Stand Safety, etc.
THE BUILDING will be 42X42 (1,764 sq. feet) with a 12X42 roofed patio overlooking the wetlands in the middle of the property. It will include two bathrooms and a galley style kitchen and service bar. e exterior of the building will be a low maintenance metal clad building suitable for year round use. e interior of the building will have an outdoorsman style décor with a lot of wood nishes. Member access to the facility will be managed utilizing an electronic lock system.
GETTING STARTED: the PSC budget for the construction of the building is $150,000. The PSC board has voted to build the project. e Board requires a minimum of $75,000 in cash donations as a condition to beginning construction.
PSC has contributed the rst $25,000 towards this goal and is now seeking to raise the additional $50,000 in cash contributions. United Community Bank will provide debt nancing on the remaining balance and PSC has su cient nancial strength to retire any debt and annual maintenance and utilities. PSC goal will be to pay o any debt related to the buildings construction within ten years. PSC has also secured donations from local contractors in the form of labor and materials to help reduce costs. All donors will be recognized inside the building in the form of a Donors Wall.
We believe that the building will add another community asset for the Perham area sporting community. We invite your help to make this happen with your nancial support.
PSC contacts
Club President: Craig Swanson
Fundraising: Brian Nelson; Ryan Nelson
Construction Coordinator: Spencer Schram
GETTING STARTED: the PSC budget for the construction of the building is $150,000. The PSC board has voted to build the project. e Board requires a minimum of $75,000 in cash donations as a condition to beginning construction.
PSC has contributed the rst $25,000 towards this goal and is now seeking to raise the additional $50,000 in cash contributions. United Community Bank will provide debt nancing on the remaining balance and PSC has su cient nancial strength to retire any debt and annual maintenance and utilities. PSC goal will be to pay o any debt related to the buildings construction within ten years. PSC has also secured donations from local contractors in the form of labor and materials to help reduce costs. All donors will be recognized inside the building in the form of a Donors Wall.
We believe that the building will add another community asset for the Perham area sporting community. We invite your help to make this happen with your nancial support.
PSC contacts
Club President: Craig Swanson
Fundraising: Brian Nelson; Ryan Nelson
Construction Coordinator: Spencer Schram
2016-2025 Perham Sportsman's Club | ZAB WEB DESIGN